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The Anderson-Rogers Foundation makes grants to U.S.-based  501(c)(3) organizations that address a variety of social and environmental needs. The Foundation is particularly interested in funding programs in the following areas:


  • Reproductive and abortion rights.


  • Access to contraception and science-based sex education.


  • Environmental activism, including programs to preserve and     restore habitat and protect endangered animals.


  • Promotion of environmentally sound agricultural practices and food systems.

  • Food Insecurity.


  • Promotion of humanist values and separation of church and state.


The Foundation gives preference to proposals for innovative projects or general operating support from small, hands-on organizations that may be lacking in financial support from other organizations.


The Foundation does not fund scholarships or make grants to individuals or religious organizations.


With the exception of current grantees, we do not support organizations outside of the United States.


John G. Anderson


© 2023 by Anderson-Rogers Foundation

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